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Concord High School, Concord, New Hampshire

I have always thought about my mom when remembering how and why I am here today. Getting rid of toxic things, and replacing them with safe and harmless things might just save your life and others. I am glad that she made the decisions she did to fix her life, and her children’s. She was willing to do anything in her power to make sure her children grew up right and were respectful or fixed our mistakes and to teach us better. It all started when my mom had just started to realize she needed to get her act together and find a lifelong career. She was drinking, smoking cigarettes, and hanging around a bad crowd. Eventually she was just getting tired and wasn’t mentally healthy. She had a job which was oftenly changed. But she always knew she would need money and always kept pushing just to try to get out of the hole that she felt stuck in. Feeling as though she couldn’t change her lifestyle because she had been living it for so long.

She wasn’t living her ideal lifestyle that she wanted so badly. It was like she was looking for a reason to change her life. Which is what exactly happened when she found out she was pregnant with my sister. She immediately realized that she had to stop drinking, smoking, and hanging out with people who were doing those things constantly. My mom wanted healthy and safe children, but the environment in California is just not fit for my mom and the life she wanted. When she found out she was pregnant she knew she would have to move or else she wouldn’t get better. She decided New Hampshire was the perfect place, seeing as though she lived there when she was younger. She also wanted to give me and my sister the chance to grow up knowing our family, although she never really had a good relationship with them. She had always lived far away from her family, constantly moving, and never wanted to force that on us.

She had just moved to New Hampshire with my soon to be sister while she was pregnant. She came here with my dad, her grandparents, and a couple of pairs of clothes. She had little to nothing when she arrived, but she knew if she worked hard enough she could change everything. My grandparents had already figured out a home situation to help my mom and dad figure everything out. They moved in smoothly to a place down by Beaver Meadow. Without my grandparents helping us, we would not be where we are. Immediately after they arrived my mom started a search for jobs. And as fast as she started looking, she found an answer. The American Red Cross is the place that saved her life. She was completely sober and was starting to be mentally more happy with her situation. She had a job, was sober, pregnant, and was with the people she loved most. Unfortunately as things were going so good, my father and mother started having more of a toxic relationship which isn’t ideal. My mom was on and off with my father for a couple months all up to the day my sister, Myana was born. For a couple years after Myana was born, up until I was born they had been on and off. Until one day when I was four she had enough, they had gotten into the biggest fight and my mom finally realized it was not going to work. And ever since they broke up she has never been happier. This change was the end of her struggling. She was finally unstuck.

© Eniecia. All rights reserved. If you are interested in quoting this story, contact the national team and we can put you in touch with the author’s teacher.


  • Family