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Social Justice Humanitas Academy, San Fernando, California

A boy meets a girl. The girl falls in love with the boy. It sounds so easy until it no longer is. I met a boy who I thought I was in love with. I felt real love from him. I got caught up in the happiness he made me feel during a difficult time in my life. It felt like I had met someone who could protect me, love me, and change me for the better.

I got so attached to him to the point where I didn't see the damage he was doing to me. I thought I was with a person who would love me forever, but instead, he kept me trapped. He used degrading words to control me. He projected his insecurities onto me. As a result, I started to push people away from me and closed myself off. He built the cage. I locked myself in it. He would make me feel like everything was my fault and I was the reason for our problems. I always thought I was the bad person in this story. My self-image started to crumble. I was so insecure about myself.

The days started to blend together when I was drowning in my own self-pity. I didn’t like the way I looked, my mental health was hanging from a thread, and I knew I was on a path toward destruction. A boy meets a girl and hurts her. That was our story. It was a story about pain and destruction but at the same time inconsistent love. I realized my own worth and decided to end things with him.

I stopped replying to his messages. It wasn't an easy process, but I realized it wasn't healthy for either of us, especially me. Although it hurt, it only lasted for a while. Focusing on myself was the only priority I had in mind. I would do things to occupy my mind like cleaning around the house and going out with people who supported me. I realized I never needed him. I finally found peace in myself and my mental health got better.

When school started, I connected with new people who made me feel safe. I started to focus on school and started to care about my grades. Everything changed in high school. I became really close with my teachers and even started to like school. I've been really proud of myself and I'm happy with my life now. I realized I didn't need anyone but just myself.

© Valerie. All rights reserved. If you are interested in quoting this story, contact the national team and we can put you in touch with the author’s teacher.
